Ignite Spatial: Boston – March 24th – New Location!

Ignite Spatial: Boston 3 is this week!  The talks have been announced and can be found on ISpatial Boston’s website (just scroll down the page a little bit to get to them).

It was also announced that the venue has changed from the SCVNGR offices to the IBM Research offices at 1 Rogers Street in Cambridge.  Some tickets have opened up as well.  Check out the waiting list to see if there are any left!

There appears to be a good variety of talks from a number of different perspectives, which is always a good thing for these types of events.  I’m looking forward to Adena Schutzberg’s talk.  I’ve seen her talk a couple times now and she always has some really interesting to say.  I really like conferences/meetings like this, where you have people from a variety of backgrounds sharing their experiences with spatial analysis and GIS. By listening to their unique point of view, it may challenge your own, or give you an idea on how you can improve what you do.

It is an exciting time for the Boston geospatial community!

Ignite Spatial: Boston – Tickets available Monday!

Listen up geo-nerds! ISpatial Boston‘s Ignite Spatial spring event is right around the corner. This spring’s event will be at the SVGNR offices in Cambridge on March 24th starting at 6:30pm.

What is Ignite Spatial? Ignite Spatial is a one day conference about anything and everything geospatial crammed into two hours! Presenters give lighting talks; 20 slides that automatically change every 15 seconds each, for a five minute presentation.  No long and boring talks here.

For last year’s talks visit their youtube page.  This is a great event, because it is not just “GIS guys” who present, but programmers, database pros, map geeks, and people who have some great ideas about we handle, analyze and present geospatial data.

Ignite Spatial’s space is limited so get your ticket early.  This event is a great opportunity to see some really creative and innovated geospatial professionals present their ideas in a really fun format.

Hope to see you there!