I recently got Windows 7 on my work machine and while I was configuring my settings I came across a new feature that I thought was pretty neat. The user can now create a desktop background image slideshow. All the user has to do is point the tool to a directory of images, configure some settings, and presto, desktop slideshow.
Now, what does this have to do with this blog? Well, being a geographer who works with the natural environment, I wanted images that reflected my interests. I proceeded to download a number of images from NASA’s Image of the Day website for this purpose.
There are a number of images that are great for the type of analysis that I do, and I often use data from NASA and other related agencies in my analysis. There is an added bonus to these unique datasets, a number of the images come as GeoTiffs, or KMLs, making the data available in a number of GIS programs from Google Earth to Quantum (and ArcGIS). The images have a fairly good resolution are in an open format, making them available in almost every GIS software on the market.
Other examples of these NASA images that are in GIS friendly format include smog over northern China, recent flooding in Australia, and volcanic activity on Mt. Etna. However, not all the images are rectified, so make sure you check the details before you download.

Now are the images exactly what you need to solve a problem at work or in class? Maybe not, but they are a great demonstration in regards to the power of remote sensing and GIScience. I’ve used images from this site a number of times during lectures, and when appropriate, in projects for work (don’t worry, I know the terms and conditions). So, if you have five minutes (which may turn into an hour), browse the site, download a few images for your sweet new desktop background image slideshow, and take note of what could help you in your day-to-day GIS workflow.