I’ve had a GitHub account for a few months but I never posted anything to it, mostly because I am a busy guy, and I ‘m not very confident in my code (I am not a developer, but I know how to cause some trouble).
Well, I finally got over my fears and I posted three repos on my GitHub page for three simple Leaflet apps: a random map generator, a icon toggle app, and an extent tracker. I don’t know if these particular apps have any use to anyone, but I figure it’s better putting them up on GitHub than burying them on my website. Speaking of burying them on my website, I’ve updated the code examples page to include the three working copies of the aforementioned pages:
There are plenty of areas of improvement in my repos (I didn’t comment anything and my JavaScripting is probably not in the best form), so I’ll hopefully be making some new commits over the next couple weeks. Now I just need to get the hang of checking code in to GitHub on a regular basis.